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2018年初,我们可以遗憾而又相当坦诚地说,聊天机器人没有实现这些伟大的期望。即使微软的Twitter 机器人成为新纳粹的支持者,其他的机器人也出了问题,但在聊天机器人行业的整体进展并没有带来我们所承诺的巨大利益。2016年和2017年不是“对话式商务”的年份,聊天机器人也不是“新应用程序”,常人可以通过Messenger或Amazon Echo等平台访问的人工智能似乎比智能化更具人工性。Facebook最近不得不关闭其虚拟个人助理“M”,据称是因为“M”过分依赖人类来提供有意义的答案。
每天都有数十亿人在使用 Messenger。他们将它放在口袋中,并准备使用它来接收非常简单,但立即可行,且高度个性化的信息——这项技术已经使我们能够做到这一点。我们确定要用有缺陷的聊天机器人执行,而浪费这个机会吗?
3 reasons chatbots didn’t meet industry expectations in 2017
The dawn of the “chatbot revolution” less than a couple of years ago ushered in great expectations. Marketers and futurists fantasized about intelligent virtual autonomous agents that would understand us better than we understand ourselves, glean our desires from snippets of conversations, and turn our every command into an immediate action. The idea was something like a mix ofJARVIS from the Marvel Universe and HAL from 2001: A Space Odyssey (before he went crazy).
At the beginning of 2018, we can sadly yet quite confidently say that chatbots have not met these great hopes. Even discounting Microsoft’s Twitter botbecoming a neo-nazi supporter and other bots gone wrong, overall advances in the chatbot industry have failed to deliver the huge benefits we were promised. 2016 and 2017 were not the years of “conversational commerce,” chatbots are not “the new apps,” and the AI that regular people can access through platforms such as Messenger or Amazon Echo still seems much more artificial than intelligent. Facebook recently had to shut down its virtual personal assistant “M,” allegedly because it relied too much on humans to provide meaningful answers.
It’s time to understand why our expectations and the predictions — made mostly by experts with proven track records — totally missed the mark. I firmly believe chatbots still represent an exciting new way for humans to interact online. This is why I believe it is essential for marketers, developers, and entrepreneurs to understand what mistakes we made and what we all need to fix for the technology to fulfill its true potential.
Of bots and men
The biggest misunderstanding at the core of this semi-fiasco is the idea that bots can seamlessly and entirely replace humans as virtual assistants, customer care operators, or personal shoppers.
Understanding jokes, picking up the nuances of written or spoken languages, and using intuition to choose the right words or actions are things AI agents are decades away from learning. And it’s possible some of these qualities may never be replicable in a non-human “brain.” When we are led to believe we can interact with a bot the way we engage with a live person (or in some cases are not even told that we are chatting with an automated system) the result is frustration, coupled with a general mistrust of the technology as a whole.
Bots are bots, humans are humans. Computer programs and systems are really good at certain tasks — finding information quickly, doing heavy computations, and storing petabytes of data — but are very bad at others. They are especially bad at generating that minimum level of empathy any operator dealing with people must feel. Mixing the two can be deadly.
Conversation versus information
The second reason chatbots mostly fell flat on their faces in 2017 is the interface that was commonly used. Marketers and developers got carried away by this new toy and thought they were finally going to create “conversational” agents that humans could dialogue like they would with a friend or a human helper. We dreamed of being like Tony Stark and exchanging witty jokes and deep thoughts with an omnipresent and seemingly omniscient cyber assistant. Well, that was a mistake. Conversations are hard to sustain for non-humans, and once a computer loses track of where it is in a two-way interaction, results can quickly break the “magic” of the whole situation.
Chatbots should have clearly defined paths and funnels through which they lead visitors toward explicit or implicit goals. The process should include a series of questions and answers, and possibly even links and buttons. This doesn’t mean bots shouldn’t implement and offer natural language processing, it means we should clearly define the realm in which a bot can act. We should create boundaries that the bot cannot cross and that support and contain the system so it can offer a much more effective and fulfilling experience.
In addition, well-identified goals allow marketers and business owners to track and measure the ROI of these tools more precisely. We were so excited about this technology that we forgot that anything we do costs time, money, and energy, and we mostly skipped the analytics part. This is another huge problem, since we do not have public (or in many cases, even private) numbers that tell us how ecommerce transactions or user engagement on chatbots compare against other, more traditional channels. This level of blind experimentation is something only brands with big pockets can afford to do.
The ivory tower
And this leads us to my last point. Small businesses have not fully embraced chatbots because they see the technology as complex, difficult to implement, and nearly impossible to measure. Throwing around names like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing scares the heck out of the average small business owner.
For example, a restaurant owner may already have a hefty following on their establishment’s Facebook page and a couple of successful ad campaigns under their belt but would like to better serve prospects and customers asking questions via Messenger. If they have to spend big bucks to implement a bot but don’t have a simple way to understand whether it’s working or not, they’ll probably think chatbots are out of their league and maybe even a scam.
We need to come up with simpler yet equally effective solutions that bring this technology into our daily lives and help small business owners leverage the power of automated social interactions. Only after we master this can we focus on building Skynet, if we still want to.
Literally billions of people are on Messenger every day. They have it in their pockets and are ready to use it to receive very simple yet immediately actionable and highly personalized information — something this technology already allows us to do. Are we sure we want to waste this opportunity with faulty chatbot execution?

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